
LUNDI 08/10/2018

Warm up:15’


2×10 PVC shoulder dislocation with plate

1×20 overhead shrug

2 rounds: 200m run, 10 kneeling kettlebell press (5D-5G)

Skill: 15’

Complex shoulder  to overhead

1 power clean,

2 push press,

2 push jerk,

2 split jerk


3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
10 shoulder-to-overheads

Men: 185 lb.
Women: 125 lb.

Choose a load that is heavy but still can be done unbroken in the beginning. Keep it light enough that you don’t get bogged down and can continue to run hard.

Intermediate Option
3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
10 shoulder-to-overheads

Men: 135 lb.
Women: 95 lb.

Beginner Option
3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
10 shoulder-to-overheads

Men: 95 lb.
Women: 65 lb.



Core training