
MARDI 13/08/19

Warm up


4 rounds :

10 scap pull

20m KB overhead walk (right)

10 KB shoulder press (right)

20m KB overhead walk (left)

10 KB shoulder press (left)


On the min x 8 rounds

Odd: Complex = 1 shoulder press, 2 push press, 3 push jerks (gamme montante)

Even: round 1:10 ring row; round 2: 5 strict pull-ups; round 3: 5 kipping pull-ups; rounds 4: 5 L-chest-to bar pull-ups

Scaling: ring row, banded pull-up

Metcon 12’

For time:

10 L chest-to-bar pull-ups

10 shoulder presses 15 L pull-ups

20 push presses

20 strict pull-ups

30 push jerks

25 kipping pull-ups

♀ 70 lb. ♂ 105 lb.


On the min x 12min

Min 1: 15’’ front scale + 15’’ back scale (right)

Min 2: 30’’ hollow rock

Min 3: 15’’ front scale + 15’’ back scale (left)

Min 4: 30’’ hollow arch